live - learn - love

Just me... trying to live, learn, and love the best I can... for Him :)

Location: Kelowna, BC, Canada

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Night Table and Jewelry Box Before and After's

Night Table Before:

Old night table: $7.50 (Thrift store) Spray Paint: Rustoleum Satin Black $9.00 Hardware: Rona $6.00

Lovely chipped up top and ooooold style handle.

The new handle was a bit smaller so I got my handy hubby to drill me some new holes.

Spray painted outside - dried in about 20 minutes!

Night Table After:

Distressed slightly on the edges with sandpaper. Purdy! :)

Looove the new handle. I'm so excited to put this in my room :)

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Sunday, December 6, 2009

Sunday, December 6

Ephesians 4:22-27

You were taught, with regard to your former way of life, to put off your old self, which is being corrupted by its deceitful desires; to be made new in the attitude of your minds; and to put on the new self, created to be like God in true righteousness and holiness. Therefore each of you must put off falsehood and speak truthfully to his neighbor, for we are all members of one body. In your anger do not sin: Do not let the sun go down while you are still angry, and do not give the devil a foothold.

"In your anger do not sin." Not - "Never be angry."  This gives me hope :) God created us as emotional creatures. We feel. We cry. We get mad. We desire. I've tried to stop certain feelings that I think are 'bad'- it just doesn't happen. But maybe, just maybe, in my anger... I will not sin. Can we choose to not give in to emotion? To not sin because of it?

 If I am angry, can I choose to not show it? Can I choose to think on whatever is true and noble and not sin? Maybe then the anger will go away - but even if not, I haven't sinned. Maybe if I'm sad, I can still smile and be thankful. Maybe when I long for something, I can turn to God instead of looking in the wrong places. Maybe when we choose to not succumb to emotion, it loses its power over us.

Now don't get me wrong, there are many wonderful emotions, and even negative emotions can be purposeful and righteous. I'm just meaning the negative emotions that we don't want - the ones that seem to linger. I don't know about you, but I can't control my emotions very well. I can however, control what I think and what I do. Sometimes what I think and do changes the emotion - sometimes it doesn't. But either way, I want to choose whats right.

And thankfully, when we do sin in the midst of our emotion, there is forgiveness.


Amazing grace, how sweet the sound, that saved a wretch like me!


Sunday, November 29, 2009

Sunday Morning, November 29

Saturdays in a travel agency can be interesting.  Yesterday we found out a cruise scheduled to depart today was cancelled. Customers called in, some yelling, some sad. There was one lady I spoke with, however, that had a very positive attitude. She realised that there was no sense yelling or being upset. Maybe its because she knew: sometimes what we think is incredibly inconveniencing is actually God saving us from something much worse. She had taken time off from work, arranged flights and hotels- it was a huge disappointment. But she chose to be thankful and joyful irregardless. Had the cruise sailed, would the engine have failed out on the ocean? Would they have had to make an emergency stop in an unsafe area? We'll never know. But sometimes it can give us peace to realise that when something doesn't go our way, it's our heavenly Father looking out for us. We must be thankful no matter what, and if we can be cheerful like she was, even better . :)

Give thanks in all circumstances, for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus. ~ 1 Thessalonians 5:18

And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose. ~ Romans 8:28


Friday, November 27, 2009

Decor DIY ~ Candle holders

These were a couple dollars each at a thrift stoe - every one I went to has so many brass candle holders!

I spray painted them from top to bottom and bottom to top to make sure all the little curves and crevices are filled in.

All done! Distressed just a little - don't think I'd distress them at all if I did it again though -they looked nice and crisp before. Not a big deal though :)

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Thursday, November 26, 2009

Moleskine Hack

I purchased a soft-cover agenda Moleskine in July. Now that I've begun my Moleskine obsession, I wanted to buy another notebook that was ruled to put more ideas and journal entries etc in. I was going to just keep them side by side but finally figured it'd be much more handy to combine them! So here we go...

I started off with my (slightly worn) soft-cover agenda and one volant ruled notebook.

Some people call the next step a 'hack' - I call it adding tabs to a notebook - these ones are used like post-its, with one sticky part and the part that sticks out to write on. The volant notebooks have 96 pages, so I put a tab on page 33 and 64.

Now comes the real hack (which by the way, I haven't seen done in my researching yet...) You'll need a pair of scissors. Open the volant notebook to the last page and cut about a half inch off the end. Then diagonally cut the top and bottom edges.  The agenda has a back pocket, which will become the 'sleeve' for the cut-volant-back-cover.

You may need to trim more off the volant - but stick the back cover inside the back pocket of the agenda.


Here you can see with the soft cover binding it stretches to make room for the volant notebook. I wouldnt try this with a hard-cover Moleskine ;)

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Decor DIY - Mirror

I found this mirror at value village for $8. It is actually plastic! Completely fake, but who would know once it's up on the wall?! (Except you of course....shoot...)

The Before Shot - same brand of spray paint I used on the stool - again -wasn't pleased with it.

Masking Tape to cover the mirror - took a few coats to cover the gaudy dark gold.

All dry!! (One good thing about this brand of spraypaint is that if it gets on your floor it comes off with soap and water...not that I would have any experience with that ;) ....hehe)

A close-up of the distressing afterwards.

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Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Moleskine Madness

So if you've never heard of Moleskine before, they're a brand of notebook.

But they are no ordinary brand - oh no. They are simple, durable, elegant and timeless. The little black dress of notebooks. They come  ruled, plain, with grids, bars for music or plain, durable paper for sketching or even painting. A lot of people add or change them (adding tabs, pockets, etc) these are called 'hacks'.

Here are some links for some great hacks:

This is another great resource for Moleskines - simply add your text to the MSK template and you can print out a page that will fit perfectly into your notebook.

I'll be posting some of my own hacks tomorrow just for fun. If you're not as notebook nutty as I am there are some more before and after pics in the works too ;)

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