live - learn - love

Just me... trying to live, learn, and love the best I can... for Him :)

Location: Kelowna, BC, Canada

Monday, April 27, 2009

~ If you desire a good life, focus on having one good day, one quality day - today! After all, as someone has observed, "every day is a little life, and our whole life is but a day repeated." So keep that focus on having a good day today and, at days end, slip that pearl onto your strand. The pearls on your strand will add up to a good life!
When such a focused day is done, you'll probably be tired as you drop into bed. I know I am! But you'll also know an unmatchable peace in your heart. A peace that comes from resting in the Lord and doing things His way. A peace that comes from knowing that, because you lived out God's priorities for you, all is well under your roof.
Why this peace? Because you sought the Lord and followed close after Him the whole day! The people in your life were loved and served out of the overflow of your full heart. Your home was cared for - and God's beauty and order reignthere in the refuge you've created. You took care fo yourself and grew as God stretched you in preparation for serving Him. And you did serve - anyone and everyone who crossed your path. You reached out, looked out, gave out, and lived out God's priorities for a woman after His heart.
It was indeed a full day - but, oh, what a rich one! And yes, your body is tired, but, oh, what a satisfying tiredness! And yes, it may not look like you've done much (there's no big splash, no headline news, nothing to tell anyone about) - but, oh, the depth of the fullness you sense in your heart as God whispers to you, "Well done!"
As you finally stretch out in bed, wearily pull up the covers, and sink your head into the waiting pillow, you can know you have slipped another pearl onto your strand! This costly pearl is the most magnificent prize awaiting a woman after God's heart. The reward for living oife God's way is immeasurably, unspeakably and indescribably wonderful! I'm struggling to find the words!
So at the end of your day, your heart is satisfied and content. You have done the giving, the living the following, and the loving. In return, God "satisfied your longing heart and filled your hungry soul with his goodness" (Psalm 107:9). The peace that you sense is the satisfaction that comes from gladly being spent in doing God's will, from being a woman after God's heart - for just one day!
Now . . . let that one day - that one step - encourage you to string your daily pearls into a lifetime of living as a woman after God's own heart! ~

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